Friday, February 1, 2008

Pregnancy dreams

For those of you that have been pregnant.......did you have the strangest dreams? The weirdest one so far with this precious being was the other night. I dreamt that my baby fell from my belly into my right thigh. I know......crazy! So, I'm walking around town with my baby inside my leg and it's no big deal. HA

Last night I dreamt that we had a boy! I was devestated! Crying........sobbing. I woke up and told Kent. He proceeds to say..."Ya know, we do need a plan B if she does turn out to be a he". So, we talked about a few names and didn't come with any. In reality, I would be shocked if this little one turns out to be a boy. But I don't think I would be as devestated as I was in my dream. We have given all the boys clothes away though, so we'd be starting from scratch with a pink room!

If you did have crazy dreams during pregnancy, what is your strangest one?


Sara said...

I have had weird dreams as well although I don't remember very many of them. I just think at the time that this is so odd.

Wow..11 days till delivery. I also am carrying very low and my lower abs are taking a beating for it. I still have 6 weeks though!

Well, enjoy getting all the last minutes done!

Anonymous said...

Your new background looks great! I also had some crazy dreams while pregnant, but I can't remember any of them!! I'm glad you liked the pictures of Jarett and Mia. Hope you get lots of fun pink things at your shower today!! Love you, Julie

Emily said...

I just had a crazy dream last night! I dreamed that I could see the baby clear as day in my stomach, like my skin was super stretchy and he was just sticking his arm up...weird! Then he came out and was singing a song...but I don't remember what song it was. Very weird! Hope you're hanging in change here yet but I go tomorrow for an appointment so I'll let you know!

Danielle Balentine said...

I really like your background and your picture on the side! Doesn't that make you miss the beach? Tina mentioned going to the beach next summer. That sounds very enticing, even though I will be very pregnant. Anyway, hope all is well, and we are praying for you guys. P.S. Ellie talks about Austin and Derek all the time.

Elizabeth Johnston said...

I had a few of those dreams myself! Scary...uh?
Love the new family picture!