Thursday, February 28, 2008

Look at that...

head of hair! This is what most people say the first time they see Brylee. And I must say that I agree with them. Neither boy had anywhere near this much hair and DARK hair at that! It has been fun though getting to put bows in her hair. She doesn't like hats, so bows it is! Brylee and Kent play the stick-your-tongue-out game. She's not too into interacting just yet, but this keeps Kent pacified until she starts to smile. The boys voiced their opinion of Brylee the other day........"she's boring!" I assured them they would think differently in a few months!
This is my doctor. I took Brylee with me to the appointment last week. I wanted to get a picture of them together.
Hope everyone is having a good week. I am slowly getting back in the swing of things. I took Brylee in for her 2 week check up yesterday. She is a 1/2 oz. over her birth weight. I don't know what she weighed when we left the hospital, but I'm glad to know she's getting enough to eat. She did great having a bright light in her eyes, ears, nose and throat. This little girl is so much more passive than the boys were. Don't get me wrong. She does her share of crying, but nothing like her siblings. I guess the third child just instinctively knows how to go with the flow!


Michelle said...

Oh I can't wait to meet her!! She is just precious! I guess she is going to be your laid back deserve it with your active boys, all three of them! =)

Julie Baker said...

It cracks me up that they think she is boring. I guess she would be to them...for now anyway. It won't be long at all before she is smiling and cooing. We're looking forward to seeing you guys soon. Love you.