Thursday, January 24, 2008


My friend Ann began painting today! I am so excited. She is so creative and has some really cute ideas for all around the room. She had 3 boys, so getting to do a girly room is so fun for her. I thought I'd give you a sneak-peak of what she did today. I saw some cute big brother shirts online the other day, but they were too expensive. I went to our local sports store and they had just what I wanted and cheaper. Here are 2 pictures of the boys shirts. The front has "Big Brother '08" and the back is just their name. The boys love them and I think Austin plans to wear his to school tomorrow :)


Anonymous said...

Adorable...the flowers and the shirts! Brylee will be here before we know it! Love ya, Julie

Sara said...

Love the shirts!!! The flowers look so sweet in her pink nursery. Looks like you are having fun getting ready for a little girl!

Michelle said...

Those shirts are too cute! The nursery painting looks great! I can't wait to see the finished product. Miss you guys, too!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the room in person, it is so cute. Do you still want the toy chest from Suzanne? love, Mother

Elizabeth Johnston said...

I CANNOT BELIEVE I FOUND YOU!!!! This is Elizabeth Harris Johnston. I found you on Michelle's blog. I went to Faulkner with her and Terry (love them!). I have a blog as well. Please visit it...
I didn't know you were pregnant! Congradulations!! I'm excited that you are having a girl! They are a lot of fun, but harder to take care of than boys (in my opinion). I'm glad we can keep in touch now! I'm always on my blog!