Thursday, January 31, 2008

Doctor's visit

Well, we have a change of plans! We moved Brylee's birthday up to February 11. I've been feeling a lot of pressure and pain down lower on my belly lately. That's because she is SO LOW! I'm not dilated at all and my cervix is closed. But the doctor asked if I felt like I was sitting on her head! I measured at 36 weeks (which is what I am). The reason for the decrease from 2 weeks ago is because she has moved so far down in the pelvis. We are so excited that she'll be here in 11 days! I've got a lot to do during this week and a half. Austin's birthday is the 9th and we are having his party at the bowling ally on that Saturday.

I hope the weather is good where you are. We've just had a lot of rain today. But I know some of you are getting worse weather than that. Well, I'm off to change over the laundry. Until next time............


Anonymous said...

yea! we are so excited that she will be here a week earlier...i know you are even more excited and relieved. jason's dad is coming to visit us the weekend after she is born, so we'll have to figure out a time for us to come and see this precious girl!! love you, julie

Michelle said...

I can believe she is coming so soon! How exciting!! You will all be in our prayers!

Elizabeth Johnston said...

I'm so glad you got a good report at the doctor! I know this is such an exciting time! We'll be thinking of you and praying for a safe labor/delivery. Keep us posted on everything!
Oh, we're still in Arkansas (Poky) and we've got 2 1/2 to 3 inches of snow! Check out my blog.

Anonymous said...

Well I have made arrangements to be off the day of Brylee's delivery and then come back to work for 2 days and then back to help you when you come home. I'm not sure how long I can stay then though. We will just have to see. She's almost here!!! See you saturday before the baby shower. Love, Mother