Saturday, January 12, 2008

Nursery Pictures

Today was a marathon work day at the Jobe house. We painted and painted some more, went to Wal-Mart for supplies and then painted some more! Finally, we are pretty much finished with this little girl's nursery! The only thing left is for my friend Ann to come over and paint daisies and other cute things on the wall. I'm also going to paint a scripture (which one is yet to be determined) on the green stripe above the window. The crib we've used since Derek actually was used by my nephew and niece, too. Sorry, Jarett! The bench under the window was at my house in Pocahontas for years. I think Shanna's stuffed animals used to be on it. Then Hailey got it and now Brylee! The tall chest of drawers was mine when I was a little girl. So, this room is full of nostalgic furniture.

I got the crib bedding from Target. So cute and so affordable!
I need opinions here! Should I paint green polka dots on the letters to make it stand out better?

So now I can breathe a little easier knowing this is pretty much finished just in case she makes her arrival early.


Anonymous said...

Yea!! It is adorable! Can you believe you have a pink room at your house? You guys did a great job. I didn't know that ALL of the grandkids used that crib except for Jarett...poor, little left out thing! Actually, he's perfectly content on his changing table! I'm so glad you posted pictures for us to see Brylee's sweet room.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jobes! You all did a great job on the room. It is so cute! We all liked it here in Pocahontas too. Jody and Hailey are here with us tonight. We have played ping pong and darts.. I must say the boys beat the girsl in both...oh well we had fun. Love you all, Mother

Sara said...

Very sweet and perfect for a little girl! I love your colors and bedding.
I'd say that polka dots would look really cute on the letters.

I have yet to begin our nursery! Since we don't know if we are having a boy or makes it a bit hard. The room is cleaned out totally, but no baby stuff in there yet.

Michelle said...

Hey! It looks so cute! I hope to be able to see it in person some day! I would go with the green polka dots on her name. I think it would definitely help it stand out.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how girly it is...I am SOOO proud of you! :) It looks so cute! I would do green polka dots on the letters!! It looks so good, can't wait to see it in person! MEl