Where's Waldo...I mean Austin? Please don't judge me and my messy garage. I just wanted you to see where Austin fell asleep while waiting on bub and daddy to come home from work and school. He was so hyper about his first soccer game and couldn't wait to show them what he looked like in his uniform. I knew he was outside waiting and when Kent came in and asked where Austin was, it kinda worried me. I told him he was waiting outside for them to come home. So we went in the garage and found him wedged between the ball boxes, basketball goal and other random things that I can't tell what they are in the picture because of the horrible mess! Sweet, hyper but exhausted boy!
Down and ready for the game to begin.
Bless his heart...he gets sweaty and red faced, just like me!
Yea Wildcats!
In celebration of Austin's first soccer game and his four goals scored, we let him pick where he wanted to eat dinner. To McDonald's we went! Kent and Austin got into a small ice cream fight. I think Austin was the loser.
Austin was so much fun to watch during his first game. He was so aggressive (don't know where that comes from :)) Of course he knows the rules and how to kick b/c of big bro. He loved every minute of it. In fact on the way to the car after the game he said, "Who cares about this week. I want it to hurry by so I can get to my next game!" I'll try to add a video soon.
Testing. Testing. Is this thing still on???
8 years ago
So hilarious that Austin fell asleep in the garage!!! Priceless!!! Glad he's enjoying soccer.
What a cool little guy!!! I can't wait to show Terry this picture of him.
Austin looks like he really found his sport!! What a fun and brave age!!
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