Monday, September 22, 2008

Good weekend....well except for the hogs game!

This picture is from last weekend at our Fall kick-off party at church. Our FLC was turned into a jump zone! We had over 100 people come for hours of fun.
This picture is a little dark and I took it with my camera that has 2 flashes, which means Brylee's eyes are closed! But I wanted you to see her hair. I've been putting it up with 2 bows into little pigtails! She just sits and lets me play with her hair! I LOVE it! Her hair is so fine that the bows don't stay long, but isn't it precious.
Derek passing during the punt, pass, and kick competition.
D getting his 2nd place award.

We had a fun, stress free weekend. Friday night EHS didn't have a home game, so we stayed in. Derek went to a sleepover. It's amazing how "loosing" one child can make a difference in the house. Derek doesn't usually cause too much commotion, but it was really different without him here. Probably because Austin had no one argue with :)

Saturday was pretty busy. Austin had a birthday party at 10 a.m. and Derek had one at 2. Between the parties we endured the torturous game. Poor hogs...I'm afraid it's going to be one long, painful season. But I'm not a fair weather fan. I'll still be sporting my hogs attire!

Saturday afternoon Derek participated in the pass, punt, and kick competition. He's been looking forward to this for 2 years. You have to be 8 to compete. He placed 2nd in 8/9 year old division. The boy that placed first was great. Derek and I both think he turned 10 yesterday :) It was a good learning experience for him. Now that we know what is expected, he's already looking forward to next year. If you place first in your division at the local level, you move on to Little Rock. And from there you go to a NFL game to compete. Our neighbor went all the way to the TN Titan game last year to compete. She got 2nd!

Church was great yesterday. We are having such a wonderful turnout to Bible classes. For so long we've tried to get kids pumped up about coming to class. But truthfully, you've got to provide good adult classes and get the parents excited about class in order to get the kids there. I guess we have a good line up of adult classes this quarter. Our children's classes are all full and we had over 50 in Kent's marriage class. Also, last week was our kick-off for our small groups. We had 80% retention from our Sunday morning attendance in our growth groups that night. AMAZING! God is working in this church. I can feel it. We are growing in number but also in purpose. What a blessing!

Soccer games begin tonight. Derek has a game tonight and Austin's is tomorrow. Pictures to come!


Rhonda said...

It sounds like so much fun! The pic of Brylee is just precious! I wish Easton and I could have been there this weekend. He ended up getting a fever on Sat., so I'm glad we didn't come. Hopefully soon! Chad said Brylee is just a doll! Congrats, Derek!

Andrea said...

You've got a lot of good things going and I'm so happy about that. (Except for the Hogs, of course. That wasn't so good.) Your comments on church growth are very exciting. Yay God!

Anonymous said...

Hey Cara! I'm so glad that things are going well at church! Looks like y'all had a lot of fun over the weekend. Missed seeing you at the Magnolia vs. El Dorado game Friday night. We saw a few people. Congrats to Derek!! Take care!

Anonymous said...

Wow! It sounds like you have a lot going on! We haven't started any activities yet. I'm trying to enjoy my last year before I have a kid in school.