Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Mock elections

Both boys had mock elections at school today. Derek told me he voted for the guy who looked like Poppa. And Austin said he voted for "The Rock" Obama! ha! I asked him why he voted for "the Rock" and he said that was the only name he knew. Apparently, you had to whisper the name of your candidate in the teacher's ear. I'm so ready for this election to be over. Either way it ends up, God is still in control.


Tina said...

OK Cara, the election is over with now. I am also glad to have it behind us. God is still the very same and I believe that we need to pray for Obamha and his staff and family. Just like we would have if McCain had won. Our trip this weekend was wonderful. Thanks for letting me tag along. What a way to recharge our batteries. Have a great week friend. Love Ya!

Rhonda said...

That is so funny! I wish "The Rock" would run for president. I would vote for him!!!