Monday, November 17, 2008

Home in my pj's at 8:10 a.m.

How sweet it is to be at home in my pj's at 8:10 a.m. Yes, the extra money is nice and will make for a "stress free" Christmas. But there's nothing much better than sitting here with your baby and just hanging out, washing clothes, blogging and playing all at the same time! I did get 2 calls this morning to sub and I quickly told the sub lady to deactivate my status today. Derek is the only one that is sad about my 6 weeks being over. He enjoyed walking to my room after school, grabbing some change and getting a snack in the lounge. Austin is thrilled and can't wait to leave preschool at 11:30 this morning. Oh, the dryer just buzzed...time to get off the computer and do some work :)


Sara said...

Enjoy your pj's!! I am so thankful that I don't have to be out the door with all kids ready each morning to go to work. It would be tough. Glad your time is over and you can relax a bit.

Rhonda said...

Congrats! Have a great day relaxing with Brylee.

Michelle said...

Yea, for you!!! What a nice time to finish up your 6-weeks! Now you can really enjoy the holidays!!

Andrea said...

Congrats on finishing your six weeks. What a blessing to work for a short time, have the extra income, and then be able to devote more time at home. God is good!