Monday, July 28, 2008

Fun Weekend

We had a great weekend. We left for Bentonville Friday morning. We stopped in Little Rock for a wholesome lunch at Chuck E. Cheese. What a blast! When we went through Fayetteville we stopped and let the boys see the stadium where the razorbacks played. Now they're ready to head up for a game in the fall.

The reunion was a lot of fun, too. We ate tons, so the weight loss didn't go so well this week :)

We all love our Krispy Kreme.
Austin and Brylee with their "builder bears" as Austin calls them.
Derek was awarded $1000 from Murphy Oil Co. for making advanced on his SAT test. He got a $500 check and Murphy puts the other $500 in a savings account to be withdrawn when he graduates high school. We are so proud of him!
Here's the group of first graders.
Derek and Ben. Ben goes to church with us.
Sorry these pics are out of order. This is back in Bentonville at Chick-fil-a.
Messy Brylee
We got to spend a couple of hours with Danielle and Ellie Balentine while in Bentonville. It was too fast a visit, but great to catch up. We miss you guys!
We attended a Northwest Arkansas Naturals game Saturday night. It was a lot of fun, but way too hot!
Here's the gang from the reunion.


Sara said...

Looks like a great weekend! I love Krispy Kreme donuts! Congrats to Derek!

Andrea said...

Wow! I'm so impressed with Derek's achievement. Very cool! And I'm glad you guys had a good reunion weekend. It's fun to catch up with family/friends.

What are you doing for your weight loss plan? I know you posted earlier that you're doing a Biggest Loser type thing, but I'm wondering if you have any helpful tips!

Michelle said...

Congratulations Derek!! Love the Krispy Kreme picture at the top!!

Tina said...

Yum Krispy Kreme!!! We also had some in South Carolina. We had a great time, but I am soooo glad to be home. I didn't know the Murphy Oil thing already happened. We are so proud of Derek--he is so smart and sweet. Talk to you soon.

Rhonda said...

Love all the pics! Great job Derek! Brylee (and the boys as well) is getting so big. I can't stand that I'm not there to sing really bad to her in class on Wed. nights! Glad you are all doing well.

Anonymous said...

I've never been so happy to see someone else enjoy Krispy Kreme before. Papa needs a new pair of shoes! Bring on the $200! The North will Triumph again!

Danielle Balentine said...

Way to go Derek! That is so great. We really enjoyed seeing you guys when you were here. Glad you had a fun time. Talk to you soon!