Friday, June 6, 2008

Oh, Austin!

Two funny stories to share about my interesting middle child:

1. The other weekend mom and dad were here and we were all going over to see Jason and Julie's new house. Three vehicles were in the caravan. Austin is a huge racing fan, so to him (but not to the other vehicles) this is a competition to beat the other 2 cars. He was riding with Jason, Julie, and Jarett and they were in the lead. Apparently he was screaming and hollering the whole way as Uncle Jason was driving. As they pull into the driveway as victors, Austin is yelling and clapping and proceeds to scream..."We won, that's the Holy Spirit if I've ever seen it!"

2. Tonight I was eavesdropping on the boy's conversation. Apparently, Derek called Austin sewage. Austin proceeds to say, "I'm not a fish that hasn't been cooked!". Derek looks completely puzzled and then tells him that sewage is poop. Austin then says, "NO, my teacher at school said sewage is fish that hasn't been cooked". I'm sitting at the computer trying to think this out. Fish that's not cooked.........SUSHI! Sushi not sewage, honey! Oh, Derek and I laughed and laughed. Austin did not find it as humorous as we did.


Julie Baker said...

I always love a good Austin story!!

Andrea said...

Truly, truly funny! Cara, I think it would be slightly frightening to have Austin and my Alec in the same room together. Your Austin tales always remind me of something Alec has done or would do. :-)

Becky said...

Well I've never tasted Sushi but I kinda think it might tast like sewage to me!! maybe the Holy Spirit is telling Austin something. You need to be writing his stories down. Love you all Mother

Michelle said...

That boy is too funny!!! Who knew the Holy Spirit was at work in a race? ;)

Danielle Balentine said...

I think Austin is going to be a preacher. He always keeps you laughing. Miss you guys!

Magen said...

Love it, Cara! I've added your blog to my google homepage so I can keep up. You've inspired me... I've added some stuff to my horribly outdated blog:
