Monday, November 26, 2007

Funny Prayer

Derek prayed tonight at dinner. He first prayed for the food and then proceeded to pray for Houston Nutt! He prayed that he would find a good job, but that the Hogs would beat his team if we played them!!!!!! I kept my laugh inside.


Anonymous said...

Tell Derek Nana said amen to his prayer!!!
Love ya

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! I can't believe he had Houston Nutt on his mind while he was praying. I'm sure Nutt would appreciate all the prayers he can get!! Why do you resign before a bowl game? Politics? I love what Derek said about the Hogs beating his team! Maybe he'll find a good job in the Sun Belt Conference with a good team. Thanks for sharing the funny story!!

Love you,

Michelle said...

Too cute!!!

Maria R. said...

So funny!

Emily said...

Oh my goodness, that is hilarious. The last few times Amelia has prayed at diner, she prays for Heidi. I guess that dog made a big impact on her! Wish we could've seen you guys at T'giving...hope you had fun!

Sara said...

Don't you love little kids prayers..they are sweet and funny!