Thursday, September 20, 2007

I love my doctor!

Have I mentioned before that Dr. Watson is the best doctor ever?!? I asked for an ultrasound fully expecting her to say no, but she said "sure, we'll take a look". I was so excited and called Kent to bring the boys up to the clinic. We saw it's head, abdomen, legs, but wouldn't ya know it.....we couldn't find out the sex! The boys were well behaved as she tried several times to find out what was between those long legs. Then after the ultrasound, I had to have a yucky mole removed that has quadrupled in size since I've been pregnant. Now have 3 stitches below my tummy. Those come out in a week and my next "real" doctors appointment is set for October 18 at 3:20. Maybe by then "he" will be proud to show off his business or "she" won't be modest :)

I'm subbing for one of the fourth grade teachers tomorrow. It should go pretty good since the kids are used to seeing me everyday. It's just those "BIG" attitudes I can't stand!

Derek gets to run the length of the football field at tomorrow nights game with his school. They are making a "run through" for them to tear down, just like the football players. Two elementary schools got to run last week and this week it's the other 2 schools. He's so excited! One of my 4th graders asked me if I was going to run........ha..........I just laughed!


Anonymous said...

Glad your doc let you go ahead and take a peek at the baby. Hopefully, next month you'll be able to find out what you're having. We are rooting for a baby girl! I was impressed with Derek's picture he took of you. I'll send you my most recent one as well.
Love ya,

Sara said...

It is always so great to look at the little bean growing inside of you. I'm sure next time, you'll find out the sex. Must be a took us several attempts to discover that Laura was a girl!

Anonymous said...

Hy Aunt Cara its Hailey again I'm at school!!