Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Shout out!

I know, I know I'm so behind on blogging about our holiday haul, but I can't sleep and so I'm doing a quick post about my AWESOME Razorbacks! We've beat 2 ranked teams in one week! If anyone had had a video camera recording in my living room an hour ago, we would have been on AFV. Derek and I were beside ourselves with excitement. And remarkably we didn't wake the 2 sleeping children. I promise to post soon about Christmas, New Year's yada, yada. Until then......WHOOOOOOOOO PIG SOOOOOOOOIE!


Andrea said...

I KNEW you were excited about that! I can imagine you both yelling Sooooooooooooooooieeeeeeee.

Tina said...

Hey Cara! I love to watch you watch a game. You are way more fun to look at! :) I didn't know until last night night that Rob had recorded the game Tues. night. I thought he was like me, that he was tired and forgot the game. So now I can watch the ending. Want to come see it again? Just let me know-I'll have the camera ready!