Friday, December 7, 2007


I went to the doctor yesterday. Everything was good. I had my sugar test, heard the heartbeat, and scheduled February 18th as Brylee's birthday (that is unless she wants to come earlier). Someone at school this week was asking about the nursery. When I said I hadn't even started, they couldn't believe it. So, I tried to explain that right now I'm just trying to survive until Christmas break. Then I'll have 8 1/2 weeks to get things just the way I want them! I am counting the days until break people! 8!


VM said...
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Sara said...

Glad all is going well still with your pregnancy. I was also thinking today that I have done NOTHING to get prepared for our new baby's arrival in March! I am working through January, then I'll have 6 weeks before the due date.

It will all come together eventually.