Thursday, May 24, 2007

Do I know what I'm doing?

Okay... I love reading blogs! So here it is, 11:18 p.m. and I'm creating my own little space. I don't know how often I'll updat this, but it's fun to know I can if I want to. Austin does and says so many funny things everyday, I could just write about him! Kent and I are leaving for our 10th anniversary trip tomorrow, so I'll have pictures to post next week.


Sara said...

Glad you are blogging! It is nice to keep up with friends.

Have fun on your trip. Jim and I are also taking a vacation to celebrate our 10th anniversary this weekend.

love ya!

Angie said...

I'd say you're off to a great start.

Can you believe it's been 10-years for both of us? When we took our cruise back in Nov. (for our 10-yr), I was having a hard time trying to wrap that around my brain. I've been married to this guy for 10-yrs and been with him over 11-yrs and known him for 15-yrs and it's just a crazy thought to have someone in your life that long.

We're spending the night in Branson one night for our anniversary. I wouldn't mind having another cruise in there somewhere, but we're not made out of money. Too bad!! :-(

Happy 10. Can't wait to see pics and more of your blogging. I think I like blogging more than e-mailing. But I still do that too. Thanks for sending pics of your family occasions to me. I love seeing what your doing and what I'll be doing in a few years.

Wow. I think I just wrote you a novel. See ya girl.

Melanie said...

OOHHH CARA! Look at you! Who would have guessed that a few months ago you couldn't figure Facebook out, and now you're a "blogger"! :) Have fun on ya'lls trip to St. Louis!! Love ya!

Stephanie said...

Hi Cara - welcome to the blogging world! I found your link on Angie's blog! I hope you're enjoying your trip and congrats on 10 years! Hard to believe it's been that long...I remember you and Angie getting engaged on the same day and it feels like yesterday!